Breast Lift

Breast Lift

Procedure Overview:

Procedure Time:

2 hrs

Anaesthetic Type:


Day or Overnight:

Day case - no drains

Recuperation time:

1-2 weeks

Price from:


Procedure Overview:

Procedure Time:

2 hrs

Anaesthetic Type:


Day or Overnight:

Day case - no drains

Recuperation time:

1-2 weeks

Price from:


As women age or after childbirth, the breast will naturally change shape and loose volume, leaving a deflated appearance to the breast.

An aesthetically pleasing breast has the nipple at the right height, a fullness and a shape which is in proportion to the rest of the body. As women age or after childbirth the breast will naturally change shape, loose volume and the nipples can drop, giving a deflated appearance. Whilst this is a natural consequence of the ageing process, many women choose to rejuvenate their breasts with a lift also known as a mastopexy.

Book a consultation

  • Breast Lift – with implants

    Breast Lift – with implants After
    Breast Lift – with implants Before
    The Pastic Surgery Group - logo
  • Breast Lift – no implants

    Breast Lift – no implants After
    Breast Lift – no implants Before
    The Pastic Surgery Group - logo

There are many varieties of mastopexy and at TPSG, we offer all the most modern techniques. Your surgeon will spend time with you listening to your concerns and discuss what is possible after taking a thorough history and carrying out a detailed examination.

Who is suitable for a breast lift?

Typically older women, those who have had children or who have lost some weight and wish their breasts to be returned to how they were when they were younger or before they had children. Women who also want larger breasts may wish toconsider a breast lift combined with a breast augmentation or mastopexy augmentation.

Is it possible to have a breast lift without the scars around the nipples?

There are a small group of women who have good skin quality, wish to have breast enlargement and who only need their nipples lifted a small amount who will get a lift from breast augmentation alone. However, for most women, in order to achieve the desired result, it will be necessary to place some type of scar around the nipple to lift the nipples adequately and create a pleasing breast shape.

What does the operation involve?

There are many surgical options available to women considering mastopexy andyour surgeon will discuss the most appropriate option based on your desired outcome, your individual anatomy – skin quality and quantity, breast volume and nipple position.

Vertical scar or lollipop mastopexy – This technique is the most common as it allows maximumraising of the nipplewith reshaping of the breast, with a minimal amount of scarring. The new nipple position is marked preoperatively as well as the vertical lines that will be brought together to form the vertical scar that will run from the nipple to the crease underneath the breast. The skin is then closed with absorbable stitches and supportive dressings applied.

Wise pattern or inverted T mastopexy – If the nipple has to be lifted a long way or there is a significant amount of excess skin that must be removed, your surgeon may suggest a Wise pattern or inverted T approach. This technique is similar to the vertical scar procedure in that a scar is placed around the nipple and straight down to the crease under the breast. In addition however, a horizontal scar is also placed in the crease under the breast.

Periareolar or donut mastopexy – This type of breast lift is suitable for the minority of women who only require the nipples to be lifted a small amount or for women with larger nipples who are requesting a reduction in the diameter of their areolae as well as a lift. Using this approach the only scars on the breast are around the nipples at the junction between nipple skin and the surrounding breast skin. Your surgeon will discuss whether this approach is suitable for you.

What happens after the operation?

Your surgery will last between two to three hours and you will usually be able to go home the same day as your surgery. We do not routinely use drains for mastopexy surgery. You will be placed in a supportive bra before going home and asked to leave all dressings intact until you return to TPSG at 1 week for a wound check and dressing change. After 1 week you should be in minimal discomfort and be able to return to light duties at work at 1 – 2 weeks. We ask that you refrain from strenuous activity or exercise until 6 weeks after your surgery.

How long do the results last?

A breast lift has an immediate and permanent effect however breast shape and size can continue to change throughout your lifetime with the effects of aging and gravity which cause gradual sagging.

What are the risks of a mastopexy?

Breast lift surgery is fairly low risk. Possible complications are bleeding, infection, delayed healing, prominent scars and changes in the sensation of the nipples. All women have asymmetrical breasts to some degree and occasionally there is noticeable asymmetry after surgery too. Your surgeon will go through the risks of the operation in more detail at your consultation.

Further information on Breast Lift
BAAPS Patient Information On Mastopexy


Price List